Short List

Smart and very fast solution

Short list

Why is the Short List best for you

  • We’ll help you fill the position you’re looking for.
  • First candidates within 10 days = we beat the results from the advertisement.
  • Tailor-made service – we will supply candidates who meet the checklist.
  • You can fill more than one person from our selection.
  • Candidates meet predetermined criteria that you set with the recruiter.
  • We guarantee their attendance at the 1st round interview.
  • We deliver verified profiles with proven interest in the position.
Key Statistics

Short List In Numbers

We made a total of 95+Short lists in 2023
0 +
The average time to fill a position is one Month
1 Month
We send an average of 5 candidates per position to fill it
Out of 95+ projects, we successfully placed 75+ candidates
0 + Candidates
The fastest Short List was successfully completed in 2.5 hours thanks to our database
150 Minutes
What can you expect?
We are the fastest recruitment service on the market. With us, you start straight through the final round of the selection process. The selection process is managed and covered by senior consultants with extensive experience in various fields. 
91 %

Multi channel strike In addition to the services of the Alma Media Group (,,, we will also support our activities by recruiting via social networks.  This way we reach more than 90% of candidates in the Czech labour market.

3 -⁠ 5 Candidates

We send the first verified candidates within 10 working days. We will preselect and select the best candidates matching the specified position checklist.


Interest of candidates We guarantee interviews at your company with recommended candidates and their demonstrated interest in the position.

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